Monday, June 23, 2014

Bertha D. Cooper - Ready for the Young of Old Age

Taking the Plunge

I love it when readers recommend people to profile. It gives a different perspective and widens my circle of interesting friends. R2

My first impression upon meeting Bertha Cooper was her open and joyful face.   She breathed optimism and was an impressive listener.   I learned later that she was a very experienced facilitator for groups and organizations in conducting workshops and forums. She has a background in nursing and hospital administration.  She is also passionate about issues and works to have an influence on the course of events.
            Then she interviewed me for a book she was writing about women aging in America.  I found myself revealing more to her about my aging process than I had to anyone else in my life.  She has a gift of making a person feel accepted and special that I truly admire.  Her book is now complete and she is looking for a publisher.   By Carrol Hull
Bertha D. Cooper

            When I arrived in my sixties, I realized that despite or maybe because of spending decades working with ailing aging people, I wasn’t ready to be old. I didn’t really know what to expect besides illness and disability. So, I embarked on learning about natural aging which soon morphed into research into healthy and positive aging. I spent over three years writing a book on Women and Aging to answer my own questions and those of the women I involved in the conversation. I came to believe that women long for this conversation about aging in an environment that pushes anti-aging, one of the more absurd notions of our time.
I enjoy meeting with groups of women to talk about aging as a woman (the topic of my yet to be published book).  I have also facilitated, as a volunteer facilitator, initial discussions for non-profit groups who have found their mission changing usually due to growing membership and wish to constructively involve their membership in defining new directions.
I hope my book will be published and shared. In the meantime, I am entering the young of old age and I am ready.


  1. Who are you? List 5 words that define you!
Bright – Curious – Loving – Analytical – Creative

  1. What have you done that you’re most proud of?
I independently obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing in an environment of little encouragement (financially or otherwise) from family, society, and counselors. That degree opened the door to my good life. It was possible to work to afford college then; I am saddened and alarmed that women and men cannot do the same today.

  1. If you could change one thing in your past, what would it be?
My first name.

  1. On a personal/client level, what drives you crazy? What gives you joy? 
I am most driven to straighten crooked ideas or at least poke them. Some are more serious than others. The most serious to me is the ease at which people will discredit the life and accomplishments of another or others in order to be right, to keep power and/or feel superior among other things. 

My joy of life comes from having a great love in my life and a great love for the human experience. I’m captivated by the seasons of nature. AND tulips give me great joy and laughs because they grow even after they are picked and following a final burst of beauty, they fall apart.

  1. Given no restrictions (i.e. money/physical capabilities) – what would you most like to do?    
Hmm – I pretty much like what I am doing although I could pay experts to build a platform from which I could sell my writing. I find some of social media tedious to maintain when I am ready to go on to the rest of my bucket list of causes.

Me, my Great Love, and my Granddaughter - the artist.

Bertha’s column appears in The Sequim Gazette the first Wednesday of every month, typically placed on the editorial page.

Bertha’s e-mail is 

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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Stevie Wonder - Friend to All

Taking the Plunge
            After years of apartment living I was finally able to get a pet – Misty. She was a pure bred collie whose breeder had no more use for her. What a wonderful friend and the start of a long line of furry, four-legged companions.
          We had decided to be a one-dog family for a while after Hayward went on to Dog Heaven. Janey liked people so much we thought she’d go for it. But after several weeks of watching her mope around the yard and house, we decided to look online for a companion. Voilá, Stevie Wonder entered our lives!
          He was described as part Newfie (like Janey), but seeing him in person that assessment was in doubt. He had been abandoned in the woods and rescued and fostered by the most wonderful “Mom” who named him Stevie Wonder (because he survived) and warned us it might take him weeks to get comfortable with us.
          That was three years ago and from the very moment he entered our backyard and started playing with Janey we knew we were a perfect match. For the next few weeks he’s on vacation (as is your bloggerJ) and enjoying the good life at the Dungeness Pet Resort.
          But that’s enough from me. I’ll let him take it from here.

Stevie Wonder

          What can I say about my dog life? I get two squares a day in a round dish. Seeing my leash come out of the closet makes my heart race. Walks are the best part of my day – better than food even!
          I’ve got two moms who love me and pet me and scratch behind my ears whenever I nudge them while they’re watching TV.
          Of course my best friend is my big sister Janey! We don’t ever cuddle or sleep together or anything “cutesy” like that, but boy do we love to wrestle with each other in the back yard. We do it in the living room, too! We share toys and sometimes play tug o’ war, but our favorite thing to do is jump in the backseat of the car and head to Lake Aldwell on the weekend. It’s not a lake anymore but we get to run and sniff and run and mark and run and play ‘til we can’t play anymore because we’re so tired.
          All in all, I feel pretty wonderful. Get it? Stevie Wonder-ful. That’s me. 

  1. Who are you? List 5 words that define you!

Energetic – Happy – Adorable – Inquisitive - Friendly

  1. What have you done that you’re most proud of?

Learned not to run away from the people who love me. My foster mom taught me that. When I first met her I ran away to the Red Lion on the waterfront, and even when the folks there tried to feed me bits of steak, I wouldn’t eat it. I had given up. But my foster mom found me and nursed me and taught me how to trust.

  1. If you could change one thing in your past, what would it be?

I have very short term memory. I wouldn’t have stepped on that thorn last week. Now I have to take pills and wear the collar of shame for a week. It’s embarrassing.

  1. On a personal/client level, what drives you crazy? What gives you joy?

Crazy?  The neighbor’s dogs on the other side of the fence. I watch them through the cracks and run up and down but we can’t get together – because of the fence.

Joy? Any time the front door opens and one of my moms comes in. That’s the best.

  1. Given no restrictions (i.e. money/physical capabilities) – what would you most like to do?

Do away with leashes so we could all be free. (I’d come home – honest I would!)       

Playing in the snow with my big sister, Janey.
Relaxing in the sun.
The Happy Family

A dog's life

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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Al Young - On the Move

Taking the Plunge*

*This is a first for Taking the Plunge. I met Al Young over tea recently and knew I wanted to learn more about her, but she was only staying around long enough for her bike to be tuned for her 3000 mile+ solo jaunt to Maine. So, I asked her long time friend to write the intro. Thanks, Elizabeth!
         Al Young is a woman of incredible strength and courage who I feel privileged to call my friend. She is an excellent musician and singer, plus plays the trombone with style and flair. I’ll always remember seeing her on top of an upright piano playing the trombone in her derby hat in the musical, Cabaret.
Besides being a music teacher and gardener, she is an outdoor sports athlete – hiking, skiing, and bicycling. Admitting to having arthritis throughout her whole body, Al has had a total knee replacement, total shoulder replacement, foot surgery, carpal tunnel surgery, and while bicycling around the world in the year 2000, she broke her neck in France and missed three months of cycling, but kept up with the group and only missed six weeks of the trip.
She left her home in eastern Idaho on May 13, 2014 and bicycled here [more than 1200 miles] to see me and other friends in Oregon and Washington before she heads out on her own to Maine. She averages about 50 miles a day and is completely self-contained.
I’ve never known anyone so disciplined and efficient as Al. We’ve been friends for 25 years.   -- Elizabeth Kelly

Al Young

     My first life is as a musician. I taught junior high band and chorus for 15 years and retired.  I then worked at a landscape nursery and became manager after several years and retired again after 15 years.  I directed the Jackson Hole Chorale for 10 years and played trombone in the Jackson Hole Brass Quintet for ten years as well as sang in several different Sweet Adeline Quartets, the last one being ‘The Youngsters’ for 10 years.  That was a pun as our accumulative years added up to 215 this past year.  I also played in the JH Community Band which I directed for 1 year, played in the JH Jazz Band and directed the JH Symphony Orchestra for 2 years.  I also directed the musical “Into the Woods” and my claim to fame is when I had a part in “Hair”.
My second life is gardening.  I have always gardened starting when I took care of the family garden as a kid.  I now have a 2500 square foot garden with an 8x12’ greenhouse and a 30x36’ hoophouse.  My dream has always been to have a roadside stand but second best is a stand at the local Farmer’s Market, which I have done for several years.  It is so satisfying to have repeat customers and especially those who say things like “you grew that here?”  I started out by selling veggies out of the back end of my explorer.  I’ve come a long ways.  I’ve expanded for the purpose of having a side job after retirement that I enjoy that will bring in a little extra income.  I also plan to do landscaping jobs on the side as time permits.
When I’m not playing music or gardening, I’m probably hiking, biking, backpacking or cooking for a dinner party. In 2000 and since, I rode the Odyssey Bike Trip Around the World. I rode across America with a friend, have done several state rides, and rode the Orient Express Bike Ride through eight countries.  I climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro for my 60th birthday and have hiked the Haute Route from Chamonix, France to Zermatt, Switzerland which I plan to do again next year with another friend.  I started out on the Pacific Crest Trail, but had to abort after 28 days due to a knee injury the year before on the ski slope. (I sold the skis and gave up that activity.)  I hope to hike more of the PCT in the future years.

  1. Who are you? List 5 words that define you! 
       Ambitious – Organized – Self-sufficient – Driven - Adventurous

  1. What have you done that you’re most proud of? 
       Rode my bike around the world with Odyssey.

  1. If you could change one thing in your past, what would it be? 
       I’d never had gotten married.

  1. On a personal/client level, what drives you crazy? What gives you joy? 
  Crazy – People who say “I can’t” or “I should do this or that.”   
       Joy – Being able to take care of myself.                              

  1. Given no restrictions (i.e. money/physical capabilities) – what would you most like to do?     
       I have worked hard for everything I’ve been able to do or have acquired. I can’t even imagine having unlimited funds or an inexhaustible body to do more than I want to do. I’ve always lived within my means and will continue to do so.  

Loaded up and ready to go!

You can follow Al's journey by reading her blog at:

Al’s book “Shifting Gears: My Global Bike Odyssey can be found at:

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© Taking the Plunge  contact Rebecca Redshaw for permission to reuse.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Matthew Nash - Challenging the Comfort Bubble

          I met Matthew Nash not long after he moved to Sequim and started working for the Sequim Gazette as a reporter. If I remember correctly, he was interviewing me about the release of my book of movie reviews, “Sofa Cinema: An Easy Guide to DVDs.” He was very shy, but easy to talk with and it wasn’t long before we were bantering about movie titles like two kids playing ping pong – a very fun time.

          It’s a tough time to be a print journalist, but he’s found his niche and I wish him well.

Matthew Nash

Growing up in Oregon, in and near Portland, I dreamed of playing professional basketball. Every night I’d have a tradition of shooting 100 free throws with my feet edged next to my parents’ garden. But reality hit in high school and I considered the military, the ministry, education and more before finding my newspaper niche in college.
I quickly became editor of the school newspaper and recruited a dedicated team. I went to work for a newspaper near my hometown before realizing my environment wasn’t ideal with moldy walls, an archaic computer with a green screen, a narcoleptic sports editor and an editor who said the F word more than I can count.

I’ve been in Sequim going on six years. I met my wife here and our son was born here.

C. Q&A
  1. Who are you? List 5 words that define you!

Husband – Dad – Geek – Dry – Observant

  1. What have you done that you’re most proud of?

Daily I challenge my comfort bubble. As someone who struggled with breaking my shell, journalism has transformed me. It’s led to a lot of good things I never could have imagined 

  1. If you could change one thing in your past, what would it be?
For differing reasons, I’ve gotten rid of a lot of good albums over the years. I’d keep them because many of them I’ve bought back over the years. I’d use that money to buy more music and go to concerts.

  1. On a personal level, what drives you crazy? What gives you joy?

I prefer people chewing with their mouths closed. I also like to recycle and turn the lights off. 

I’ve become a sucker for the show “Full House” as of late. With so much animated TV shows geared towards toy marketing, the Tanner family comedy is incredibly cheesy but mostly wholesome and appropriate for everyone. My wife and I knew we were hooked again when we laughed at three consecutive jokes on the show. Have mercy!

  1. Given no restrictions (i.e. money/physical capabilities) – what would you most like to do?    

I’d open a comic book store next to a Burgerville (Oregon/ WA burger chain). I like the idea of eating a burger and fries while reading on my own time.

Matthew & Son

You can reach Matthew at 
And read his work at or through or


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© Taking the Plunge  contact Rebecca Redshaw for permission to reuse.