Sunday, June 23, 2013

Alda Siebrands - Student of Life

        What is a student? Or better yet, what defines a student? From one of the myriad dictionaries available online the following: “A Student is a person engaged in study; one who is devoted to learning.”
        Meet Alda Siebrands, a product of Middle America and all its positive virtues. But she’s so much more. Alda’s thirst for knowledge, including the arts and wonders of nature, is constant. While others with her professional credentials might dominate a conversation regaling an audience with he  rescue adventures at sea or her  encounters as an attaché in the international world of diplomacy, Alda listens and learns.
        In a moment of peril, which heaven forbid I should ever encounter, there is no one I would rather have leading the way than Alda Siebrands, a leader, a humanitarian, a student. 

Alda Siebrands

Having lived and traveled as an adult in third world countries for years at a time, I know I am someone who has lived the ideal of what America can offer, something that most of the world’s citizens don’t have available.

I grew up poor (unaware of the poor part at the time) on a small Iowa farm. I went to public schools and received a tuition scholarship and a government loan that made college possible. I had my first full-time work experience in the Peace Corps in Costa Rica, traveled much of Latin America, and then made a career in the US Army and US Coast Guard. For most of my military career I was a helicopter pilot and flew in amazing places including South Korea, Australia, Antarctica, Venezuela, and, of course, all across the United States. What an opportunity.

Now retired, I live in a gorgeous place and enjoy fresh air and nature at its finest with my best friend and, thanks to a fair-minded citizenry, my same-sex spouse.

Sadly, I have observed America becoming more like many of the third world countries I traveled by lessening the contributions to the future for her poorer, less advantaged citizens. 

  1. Who are you? List 5 nouns that define you!
Spouse – Friend – Nature-Lover – Observer – Adventurer

  1. What have you done that you’re most proud of?
I have taken the positives and negatives that have come my way in life and used them all to make my life more interesting.

  1. If you could change one thing in your past, what would it be?
I would have been more thoughtful to people in need who have crossed my path in life. 

  1. On a personal level, what drives you crazy? What gives you joy?
I am disappointed that people only seem to see how things in life affect themselves, seldom others.

Joy comes throughout the year walking around our property, and on larger scale, the Olympic Peninsula where we live, observing Mother Nature relentlessly at work.

  1. Given no restrictions (i.e. money/physical capabilities) – what would you most like to do?    
I would like to be a philanthropist. Every time I hear or read a story of local needs, I would love to be able to open my checkbook and not think twice about providing funds not only to help close the gap where needed, but to  make a positive difference in someone’s life.

Footage of sea rescue.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Kyle Rosen - Asking Questions/Searching for Answers

       We live in a transient world. Few of us live in the towns we were born. Many of us travel and explore for pleasure. One of the joys of living in this era is that we can keep in touch with old friends and new via social media or one of the old-fashioned ways, telephone or post. (Alas, letter writing is a becoming a lost art.)

       Kyle and I lived together for a little over a year and spent hours together playing music, enjoying soccer and swimming, and sometimes in front of the television playing “Name That Tune.” Of course, that was forty years ago and he was 5! (Go ahead - do the math for me.)

       We live in different states and haven’t seen each other in years. We’ve reconnected and now he’s spending time with a 5-year-old and two more tots, but we still share the love of music and, I’m happy to say, letter writing.  

Kyle, George, Brooks, & Layne

Kyle Rosen

I have always been driven to solve puzzles, not just because I enjoy the challenge, but I need to understand how things work. As a child, I was mesmerized by the piano and spent much of my youth studying and writing music. Similar to mathematics, there are patterns, equations and riddles everywhere in music.  

When I became a teenager, I discovered the stock market. While some view it as a casino, I see it as a never-ending brain teaser. There are an infinite number of trends and cycles to be examined, and everything is constantly in motion so one can never truly find “the answer.” 

Though finance has been my profession for over two decades, I have spent many years trying to master some other great mysteries. With the development of modern technology, forensics and crime-solving has become a passion, as well as Freudian psychology and dream analysis. I’m also fascinated by cooking and how various ingredients interact with each other under various conditions.  A new field has emerged in the culinary world called “molecular gastronomy,” which deals with the physics and chemistry of food.  

As I’ve gotten older, I spend quite a bit of time thinking about the ultimate puzzle—life, death, the meaning of life, God, and the universe. I have a long way to go before solving this one!    

  1. Who are you? List 5 nouns that best describe you.
      Truth-seeker – Artist – Father – Pleaser – Animal-lover
  1. What have you done that you’re most proud of?
      I’ve had many professional successes, but my three children are my proudest achievements. Nothing else comes close.

3. If you could change one thing in your past, what would it be?
      If I could change one thing about my past, I would have been more social in college. I went to Princeton University where I was surrounded by brilliant, interesting, and well-connected people from all over the world. Although I had lots of friends, I rarely ventured outside of my “circle” and I probably missed out on developing some amazing relationships. 

     4. On a personal level, what drives you crazy? What gives you joy?

      Hypocrisy, slow-moving people, traffic, and long, boring meetings drive me crazy. 

      Hearing my children laugh hysterically brings me incredible joy.

5. Given no restrictions (i.e. money/physical capabilities) – what would you most like to do?

      If I could do anything, I would like to talk to God and ask him all the “unanswerable” questions: Where did we come from? How did we get here? Where are we going? Why are we here? What else is out there?  

Kyle's Boys: Brooks & George

Romy - The Newest Addition!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Heather Brewer – "Dream, Dream, Dream, Baby!"

Sometimes even casual meetings can leave a lasting impression. I met Heather Brewer years ago at a backyard barbeque where she grabbed her guitar and belted out Melissa Ethridge’s “Come To My Window” so powerfully, I kind of expected to turn around and see Melissa at the front door!
Phrases like “raw talent”, “lust for life”, and “bold troubadour” all apply to this talented musician. Living half the world away in Switzerland will not keep this woman from being heard. Remember her name and enjoy her song. [scroll down]

Heather Brewer

I was asked once “How do I define myself?” my immediate answer was, “Musician.” When I wake up in the morning I have music in my head, usually a ghost remnant of the dreams from the night before. When I go through my day everything I see, hear, interact with or observe filters through me like a frequency to my bones and creates a melody that I hear like a song from the radio in my mind. 

When I write it comes to me in a flash like a quickening and the song reveals itself in its entirety fully arranged and orchestrated and I try like hell to get it written down as fast as I can because it can disappear as quickly as it came with the slightest sound, movement or word.

I often write with my eyes closed and ear plugs in to try and avoid any outside stimulus. This can make me awkward at times for I will be sitting in a room filled with people and have a very intense look on my face and bobbing my head as I listen to the sounds inside of me. I feel them like they are coming from a large speaker that I’m sitting next to. This leads me to the belief that I am not a song creator I am a songwriter, I write the songs that I receive from something, somewhere else. Every time they come to me I leave this earth a little. I know it sounds strange, but that’s just me.

1. Who are you? List 5 nouns that best describe you. 

Observant – Obsessive – Compassionate – Creative – Blessed

2. What have you done that you’re most proud of?
Taught myself to use Pro Tools in 24 straight hours. I just sat down with a manual and a bottle of Southern Comfort and wouldn’t leave until I recorded a whole song. I ended up recording 7, one of which I sold to Disney.

3. If you could change one thing in your past, what would it be?

I would have waited to cross the street with Rachel.

4. On a personal level, what drives you crazy? What gives you joy?

What drives me crazy is when I’m trying to collaborate with a singer and they describe what they want then shoot down everything I present and then finally we go back to the first idea and they love it.

What gives me joy is when my students start to progress and you can see the excitement in their eyes. That is the best feeling in the world.

5. Given no restrictions (i.e. money/physical capabilities) – what would you most like to do?

With no restrictions I would love to have a studio filled with amazing instruments and a SUPER CHARGED Mac. I would sit in there and finally write the musical I have always wanted to create. I have half of the songs in my mind and I would love to get them out and then find the others, arrange them and then produce the show. DREAM DREAM DREAM, baby!

Enjoy Heather's SHINE