Monday, July 1, 2013

Sally Marks - Never Gives Up

          A friend asked me how I choose the people profiled on TAKING THE PLUNGE. “Are these people all your friends?”
          Well, no, although I hope they may be after their blog is published! The reality is that some are people that I’ve read or heard about and want to know, some are people recommended by readers, some are friends that I’d like to know better, two are even thoughtful teenage relatives who took the time to take the plunge!

          I met Sally Marks through a phone introduction by the wonderful Mary Roon who assumed (correctly) that as writers we should know one another. She was right.

          Sally writes non-fiction, sitcom scripts, and a blog. I write plays and books, and, ahem, this blog. We don’t compete – writers never should – but we do support and encourage one another. Meet Sally Marks.


Sally Marks

There is a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson that has been my credo - "Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail."

As a skinny, cross-eyed kid with big, buck teeth and straggly hair, I knew I wasn’t destined to be the prettiest, smartest, or strongest kid in town, but I am stubborn. I never give up on the things I believe are important.

I’m a social being, so as a kid I learned to tell jokes, create stories and imitate Alvin the Chipmunk to make friends.  When my voice changed and I could no longer impersonate my favorite chipmunk, I relied on tenacity.

In spite of more naysayers than I can easily count, I have won awards in journalism and screenwriting, been published in numerous magazines, and have successfully operated my own firm, Marks Public Relations during one of the worst recessions in history.

However, two of my biggest accomplishments (other than my wonderful daughters, Alicia and Brittany) happened in my 50s. I co-authored, published and publicized my first book, “Erase Negativity and Embrace the Magic Within” and I hit my first homerun in softball.  Now I’m trying to make my mark as a sitcom writer.

I get knocked down a lot, but as long as I get back up, I’ll always be ahead of the game.

1.      Who are you? List 5 nouns that define you!

Buddhist – Writer – Friend – Entrepreneur – Outfielder

2.      What have you done that you’re most proud of?

I’m most proud of earning my Bachelor’s degree. I was juggling a lot at the time (work, motherhood etc.), so the first 11 years I only took two classes a semester. The hiccup came when I became pregnant with my second daughter, Brittany. I planned to take a semester off after I had her, but learned if I did I would fall under tougher state requirements which included advanced math classes.

I decided to stay enrolled under the old system. I took one day off after giving birth and came back to class on Monday with my newborn infant in tow.

Two of my professors let me nurse Brittany in their offices after class. One classmate’s mother, Anna, who accompanied her visually-impaired daughter to school, offered to walk Brittany in her stroller so I did not have the distraction of having the baby in class with me.

In the end I was able to earn my degree, nurse my daughter and I eventually graduated with honors from both Scottsdale Community College and Arizona State University. Some people say it takes a village to raise a child, in my case it was a college campus.

3.      If you could change one thing in your past, what would it be?

This is shallow, but true. I would have taken more precautions regarding skin cancer. I grew up in Arizona and getting a sun tan was like a religion. We would lather ourselves up with baby oil and float in the pool for hours. I don’t think anyone wore sun screen. There were articles about skin cancer even then, but I, like my suntanned friends, thought we were invincible. We weren’t.

4.      On a personal level, what drives you crazy? What gives you joy?

I abhor rude behavior. Some folks are ignorant, maybe even stupid, but there is no reason why they can’t be polite.

I find joy in nature, music, art, inspirational stories and acts of kindness.

5.      Given no restrictions (i.e. money/physical capabilities) – what would you most like to do?

I would fly. Not in an airplane, not in an ultra light, just with my own power like Superman. It actually annoys me that I can only do this in my sleep.

Sally needs to up her rates (except for her daughter, Brittany).

Sally' girls: Brittany Robbins and Alicia Abel


My facebook page for the book is erasenegativity and link is

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