Monday, September 16, 2013

Elaine Gardner-Morales = Music? Oh, Yeah!

          Ever hear a melody on the radio and instantly be transported to a special moment when you first heard it? Lullaby? Special dance? First kiss? Hymn? 
          Music, more than any other form of communication, is not only universal, but magical. So when you meet someone that literally plays to a different drummer or sings a different tune and you immediately “get them”, you know it’s all about the music.

          Elaine Gardner-Morales is funny and witty and knowledgeable, but seems to transform when she has a guitar in her hand or is coaching her vocal ensemble.
          Her answer to question #4 below comes as no surprise. Hearing, listening, and feeling the music is what her life is all about. If we all took the time to open our hearts (the original rhythm machine) to music like Elaine does, maybe peace would be a possibility.


 Elaine Gardner-Morales

I was born and raised in Denton, Texas to a University of North Texas music professor and a high school foreign language instructor from Esmaraca, Bolivia. I had three sibs, all musically talented, and from the time I can remember, the “Gardner Band” was always making music from blues to classical and voice to cello.

After receiving my degrees in music composition and theory, I spent 25 years as a professor and Chair of Music at Brookhaven College School of the Arts in Dallas, Texas. I retired in 2009 after building a successful department and moved to Port Angeles, Washington with Helen Carrick to a beautiful, mountain view home with lots of critters.

Although I am “rich” with the many experiences of my musical career, I am most proud of the vocal jazz ensemble I built at the Brookhaven College. After twenty years, I looked back at fifteen national and international tours, multiple awards at Vocal Jazz festivals through out the United States, a ton of fabulous performances and lots of wonderful people and musicians that I have known.

So naturally when I moved to Port Angeles and I had the opportunity to repeat this experience and teach music part time, at Peninsula College, I jumped at it! Currently, I am teaching a vocal jazz ensemble and I’ll probably be 75 when I get tired of it!

I also have to give a nod of pride to my children Charles and Mary whom have seen me through thick and thin. Although they still live in Dallas, both have gone through life changes with me, and I with them. We still find the time to talk and say “I love you” on a regular basis.

That bring me to the present: playing jazz guitar in the Olympic Express Big Band, teaching Vocal Jazz Ensemble and guitar at Peninsula College, doing a little music composition on the side, taking care of four cats and one loud sheepdog, mowing a seven acre yard, taking care of the yard and house with Helen and doing my best to love those that come my way.

  1. Who are you? List 5 nouns that best describe you.
      Educator – Musician – Composer – Lover – Humorist
  1. What have you done that you’re most proud of?
I am proud of a lot of things and after thinking about it, I can’t site one particular thing that I am most proud of. I am proud of: my career, my kids, my accomplishments as a musician, my house, my friends and loved ones, my love for diversity, my professionalism, my generosity, my pen collection and my guitar collection. …I think that is enough pride for one paragraph.

3. If you could change one thing in your past, what would it be?

Of course, there are a couple of people I would like to have erased from my experience and a couple of major decisions that I made that were stupid, but I have changed my answer several times since I began thinking about this question…. One thing?! 

Since I only get one thing, I think it needs to be something we can all enjoy, even those that I do not know. The one thing I would change is that every human being on this earth could experience and live in peace. …I would really like that. 

     4. On a personal level, what drives you crazy? What gives you joy?

Crazy Question? Lots of times when people are being overlooked or I am overlooked - it does drive me crazy.

Joy Question? Music, people, animals, smiles and laughter - oh yeah! (I couldn’t choose just one.)

5. Given no restrictions (i.e. money/physical capabilities) – what would you most like to do?

I would like to be in two places at once so I could travel the world and climb Mt. Everest

Six year old cowgirl!

Helen cooking up something delicious.

Texas Family: :Scott - Mary - Elaine - Charlie

Port Angeles Family

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