Monday, April 1, 2013

To Facebook? Or not to Facebook?

To Facebook? Or not to Facebook?

Signed on to Facebook years ago ‘cause everyone said I should. Got off shortly thereafter ‘cause I didn’t care that a “friend” had toast for breakfast and there was a cute cat video link I had, had, had to see.

Signed back up again because family of a different generation living faraway doesn’t really get talking on the phone, much less writing a letter and actually, I’m good with that. I get it – now. Not to say it didn’t take a little getting used to, but once I resigned myself to clicking online, I began to see the positives.

1.      A photo of teenage Carter next to his new carJ
2.      David, Andrew, and Kassandra shooting hoops as a family.
3.      Allyson has an awesome collection of her artwork posted!
4.      A picture of Tina with friends in Europe.
5.      Unexpected “congrats” on my new marital status.

I even went so far as to look up childhood friends.

1.      Melissa lives in Florida (friend from Grade 1-6). After I told her I loved playing “Concentration” on her screened in porch and she wrote she loved the fact we had two staircases in our house, we moved on.
2.      Sally lives in Alabama (friend from Grade 10-12). I love knowing she’s still involved with music and agrees with me politically.
3.      Jennie lives in Virginia. (friend form LA). Happy to see her happy and surrounded by good friends and cool dogs.
4.      Looked up two “exes” and decided there was no point in pursuing a FB connection. They’re exes for a reason.

I try to not put stupid stuff on my site, but I do add pictures and occasional activities I think others might take a millisecond to click “Like.” And since I rarely remember birthdays, it’s fun to send “good wishes” to friends of all generations. I don’t keep a tally of friends, although a few famous strangers have been added to the roster.

That’s OK as long as I don’t have to read about eggs and bacon for breakfast.

1 comment:

  1. Great to see this coming on, Rebecca...
    gotta run, tho, and check the croque madame I am making for breakfast ( ;) )
